Summary What Did Temple Think Was Wrong With Her Brain?

What did temple think was wrong with her brain?

Temple’s brain processed sensory information differently. She experienced sounds as too loud, scents as too strong, and words as garbled. This made her feel overwhelmed and confused.

Think of it like this: Imagine you’re wearing a pair of sunglasses that are constantly changing the colors of the world around you. Sometimes the colors are too bright, sometimes they’re too muted, and sometimes they’re just plain wrong. It would be hard to navigate the world with those sunglasses on, right? That’s what Temple’s sensory experiences were like. She felt like her brain was constantly trying to interpret a world that didn’t make sense.

She didn’t understand why things felt so different to her. She felt different, and she felt alone. She wondered if something was wrong with her brain, and she was afraid that she was broken. She just wanted to understand why she felt so different from everyone else.

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