What Is Seth Weak To? Exploring His Achilles’ Heel

What is Seth weak to?

Seath the Scaleless is vulnerable to lightning. This is a great opportunity to take advantage of! If you have a weapon that can be infused with lightning, definitely do that. You can also use lightning magic for serious damage! It’s important to know that Seath has a tail, and you can cut off the center part of it. Once you do, you’ll get the amazing Moonlight Greatsword – a powerful weapon that will make your journey through the world of Dark Souls even more enjoyable.

It’s important to understand why Seath is weak to lightning. You see, Seath is a dragon who was obsessed with the power of primordial magic and the power of the moon. He’s covered in scales, but they’re not the scales of a regular dragon. They are made from a powerful substance known as Moonlight – the same source that fuels the Moonlight Greatsword! Because Moonlight and lightning are inherently opposing forces, Seath is particularly vulnerable to lightning attacks. It’s like the natural order of things – lightning strikes the moon, and so does lightning damage Seath. That’s why lightning is the key to overcoming this formidable foe.

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