Who is the father of voicemail?
Matthews’s journey into the world of voicemail began in the 1970s. At that time, he was working as an engineer for a company called “Comdial”. Recognizing the potential of voicemail technology, he spearheaded the development of a system that could store and retrieve voice messages. This system, which was named “Comdial’s VM”, was one of the first commercially available voicemail systems.
Comdial’s VM was a revolutionary product, as it allowed users to leave messages for each other even if they were unavailable. It was a significant improvement over the traditional method of leaving messages with an operator.
Matthews’s work with Comdial’s VM paved the way for the widespread adoption of voicemail. While he wasn’t the sole inventor of voicemail technology, his efforts to commercialize the technology made it a reality for millions of people around the world.
His work has had a lasting impact on the way we communicate, and his contributions to the development of voicemail are still felt today. Although Matthews may not be known as the single father of voicemail, he is recognized as one of the key figures who helped bring this technology to the masses.
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